Using Export list to Word rule

Applies to JungleDocs for SharePoint 2010-2019.
For a similar tutorial for JungleDocs for Office 365, click here.

In JungleDocs, you can use the Export list to Word rule to quickly export multiple SharePoint items to a Word document.

About the rule

To generate a new report, JungleDocs automatically reads the column titles and their values in the selected SharePoint list view, and builds a table based on this information.

For example, here's the list with selected items:

And here's the generated report:


Microsoft Word tables have a limit of 63 columns. If you export a list with more than 63 columns, the report will be corrupted.

To export list items to Word

1. Select list items that you want to export. Leave no items selected to export all items in the list.

2. Launch JungleDocs from the ribbon.

2. Select the Reports tab, then click  Export list to Word

To deselect items or change their order in the report, click Edit Selected Items.

Change which items will be included and their order (Move Up or Move Down buttons), then click OK to save changes.

3. A report will download automatically.

Editing the rule template

In JungleDocs dashboard, click on the drop-down menu arrow next to the Export list to Word rule. Then, click Edit Report rule

Note that the changes are only applied to the template for the list from which you opened JungleDocs. To change the default template for all sites and lists where JungleDocs is operating, take the following steps:

1. Go to Site settings.

2. Under Site Collection Administration, select EnovaPoint JungleDocs Settings.

3. Select Enable template management.

4. Click Edit template, then edit and save the document.

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